Subsections of Online analysis


last modified: 2024-01-20 by Kodai Okawa

From here, we would like to explain in detail how to analyze the actual experiment. We assume that you have already prepared your the analysis environment. It is okay either your own directory or the default directory (see CRIB configuration). If you are not ready yet, please see here.

So let’s start to check the data. At the F1 focal plane, there is (charge-divition) PPAC. The steering file to analyze f1 data is chkf1.yaml.

We usually use “chk” (check) as a prefix of the steering files to analyze from raw binaly data.

$ artlogin (username)
$ a
artemis [0] add steering/chkf1.yaml NAME=hoge NUM=0000
artemis [1] res

The important data is “X position” at the F1PPAC. The histogram can be check by following step:

artemis [2] sus
artemis [3] ls

>   0 art::TTreeProjGroup f1check         f1_check
    1 art::TAnalysisInfo analysisInfo

artemis [4] cd 0
artemis [5] ls

>   0 art::TH1FTreeProj f1ppac_X        f1ppac X
    1 art::TH1FTreeProj f1ppac_Y        f1ppac Y
    2 art::TH1FTreeProj f1ppac_X1raw    f1ppac X1raw
    3 art::TH1FTreeProj f1ppac_X2raw    f1ppac X2raw
    4 art::TH1FTreeProj f1ppac_Y1raw    f1ppac Y1raw
    5 art::TH1FTreeProj f1ppac_Y2raw    f1ppac Y2raw
    6 art::TH2FTreeProj f1ppac_x_y      f1ppac X vs Y
    7 art::TH2FTreeProj f1ppac_x_rf     f1ppac X vs RF
    8 art::TH2FTreeProj f1ppac_x1_x2    f1ppac x1 vs x2
    9 art::TH2FTreeProj f1ppac_y1_y2    f1ppac y1 vs y2

Many histograms are defined, but in practice it’s enough to check the first X position. Sometimes we check other raw data histograms to see if the behavior of F1PPAC is correct or not.

artemis [6] ht 0

Usually a gaussian fit is performed to get center the position.

artemis [7] xf

For the commane “xf” (xfitg), please check here.

When you think the signals from F1PPAC is okay, but position seems wrong (the X position is different from the setting of F1 slit), pleace modify the parameter files.

It is actually charge-divition PPAC, but the structure of parameter file is the same with dl-PPAC, so please also check PPAC preparation.


last modified: 2024-01-20 by Kodai Okawa

The basic usage is the same.

We use this steering file to check F2 data.

$ artlogin (username)
$ a
artemis [0] add steering/chkf2.yaml NAME=hoge NUM=0000
artemis [1] res
artemis [2] sus
artemis [3] ls

>   0 art::TTreeProjGroup f2check         f2_check
    1 art::TAnalysisInfo analysisInfo
artemis [4] cd 0
artemis [5] ls

>   0 art::TH1FTreeProj f2PPAC X        f2ppac x
    1 art::TH1FTreeProj f2PPAC Y        f2ppac y
    2 art::TH1FTreeProj f2SSD raw       f2ssd raw
    3 art::TH1FTreeProj f2SSD raw (low) f2ssd raw (low)
    4 art::TH1FTreeProj f2SSD cal       f2ssd cal
    5 art::TH2FTreeProj f2PPAC X vs Y   f2ppac X vs Y
    6 art::TH2FTreeProj F2PPAC X vs RF0 f2ppac X vs rf0
    7 art::TH2FTreeProj F2PPAC Y vs RF0 f2ppac Y vs rf0
    8 art::TH2FTreeProj RF0 vs F2SSD raw rf0 vs f2ssd raw
    9 art::TH2FTreeProj RF0 vs F2SSD cal rf0 vs f2ssd cal
   10 art::TH2FTreeProj RF1 vs F2SSD cal rf1 vs f2ssd cal
   11 art::TH2FTreeProj F2PPAC X vs F2SSD raw f2ppac x vs f2ssd raw
   12 art::TH2FTreeProj F2PPAC X vs F2SSD cal f2ppac x vs f2ssd cal
   13 art::TH2FTreeProj F2PPAC Y vs F2SSD cal f2ppac y vs f2ssd cal
   14 art::TH1FTreeProj RF0             rf0

As you know, you can check the histograms

# for 1D histograms
artemis [*] ht [id]
artemis [*] hn # histogram next
artemis [*] hb # histogram before (back?)
# for 2D histograms
artemis [*] ht [id] colz # colz is option
artemis [*] hn colz
artemis [*] hb colz

If you want to save,

artemis [*] sa
artemis [*] pri


last modified: 2024-01-22 by Kodai Okawa



last modified: 2024-01-22 by Kodai Okawa



last modified: 2024-01-22 by Kodai Okawa

In the CRIB experiment, we often use a “telescope” consisting of DSSSD (Double-Sided SSD) and SSD (Single-Pad SSD). The combination of these multiple Si detectors as a dE-E detector is called a telescope.

To analyze the data as telescope data rather than individual detectors, I created a data class called TTelescopeData. This section describes its data structure and usage.

Please assume that one of the name of TTelescopeData object is “tel1”

# after some process
artemis [*] br tel1


 Data Members

                 TVector3   fPos                   detected position (X, Y, Z)
                      int   fXID                   X strip number
                      int   fYID                   Y strip number
                      int   fNE                    number of all SSDs
                   double   fdE                    energy at first layor
                   double   fdEX                   X side energy (=~ fdEY)
                   double   fdEY                   Y side energy (=~ fdEX)
                   double   fE                     added energy at thick SSDs
                   double   fEtotal                all energy deposit in the telescope
                   double   fTiming                timing information at the first layor (X side)
                   double   fYTiming               for case that X side have trouble (Y side)
                   double   fTheta_L               reaction angle in LAB system
           vector<double>   fEnergyArray           energy array for each SSD
           vector<double>   fTimingArray           timing array for each SSD
                ESortType   kID
                ESortType   kTiming
               ESortOrder   kASC
               ESortOrder   kDESC

# snip for Method as for now

These are the all data members of the “TTelescopeData”. The most commonly used variables are “fXID”, “fYID”, “fdE” and “fE”. Other variables are accessed by using methods (explain later). The meaning of these variables are written the upper code block.

We use them like,

artemis [*] tree->Draw("tel1.fYID:tel1.fXID>>strip(16,-0.5,15.5, 16,-0.5,15.5)","","colz")
artemis [*] tree->Draw("tel1.fdE:tel1.fE","","")

or we can use in histogram definition file of course.

The following are the methods of the TTelescopeData object:

# after some process
artemis [*] br tel1

# snip for Data Members


          TTelescopeData&   operator=
                 TVector3   GetPosition
                 Double_t   X
                 Double_t   Y
                 Double_t   Z
                     void   SetPosition
                     void   SetPosition
                    Int_t   GetN
                     void   SetN
                    Int_t   GetXID
                     void   SetXID
                    Int_t   GetYID
                     void   SetYID
                 Double_t   GetdE
                     void   SetdE
                 Double_t   GetdEX
                     void   SetdEX
                 Double_t   GetdEY
                     void   SetdEY
                 Double_t   GetE
                     void   SetE
                 Double_t   GetEtotal
                     void   SetEtotal
                 Double_t   GetTelTiming
                     void   SetTelTiming
                 Double_t   GetTelYTiming
                     void   SetTelYTiming
                 Double_t   GetTheta_L
                     void   SetTheta_L
                 Double_t   A
              DoubleVec_t   GetEnergyArray
                 Double_t   GetEnergyArray
                     void   PushEnergyArray
              DoubleVec_t   GetTimingArray
                 Double_t   GetTimingArray
                     void   PushTimingArray
                 Double_t   E
                 Double_t   T
                     void   Copy
                     void   Clear
                   Bool_t   CheckTObjectHashConsistency

 See also

     art::TDataObject       base class for data object

The most commonly used methods are “X()”, “Y()”, “Z()”, “E()”, “T()” and “A()”. There are also longer name methods, but it is troublesome to write long methods, so I prepared short name methods. The longer name methods are mainly used in the source processor to make it more readable.

  • X(): return fPos.X(), detected X position
  • Y(): return fPos.Y(), detected Y position
  • Z(): return fPos.Z(), detected Z position
  • E(): return fEtotal, total energy deposit in the telescope
  • E(id: int): return fEnergyArray[id], energy deposit of each Si layer, id=0 means dE, id=1 means second layer
  • T(): return fTiming, detected timing at first layer
  • T(id: int): return fTimingArray[id], timing at the “id” th Si detector
  • A(): return fTheta_L, the angle of the event, deg unit

We use them like:

artemis [*] tree->Draw("tel1.Y():tel1.X()","","colz")
artemis [*] tree->Draw("tel1.E(0):tel1.E()","","colz")
artemis [*] tree->Draw("tel1.E():tel1.A()","","colz")


last modified: 2024-01-22 by Kodai Okawa

In the physics run (production run or physics measurement), we check all the detector data like tracking detector (PPAC, MWDC), TOF (RF) and Telescope data. In order to analyse them, we prepared steering/chkf3.yaml steering file. This file includes all the information of F3 analysis.

$ artlogin (username)
$ a
artemis [0] add steering/chkf3.yaml NAME=hoge NUM=0000
artemis [1] res
artemis [2] sus
artemis [3] ls

>   0 art::TTreeProjGroup f3check         f3check
    1 art::TAnalysisInfo analysisInfo
    2 art::TTreeProjGroup mwdca           mwdca
    3 art::TTreeProjGroup mwdcb           mwdcb
    4 art::TTreeProjGroup tel1            tel1
    5 art::TTreeProjGroup tel2            tel2
    6 art::TTreeProjGroup tel3            tel3
    7 art::TTreeProjGroup tel4            tel4
    8 art::TTreeProjGroup tel5            tel5
    9 art::TTreeProjGroup tel6            tel6
   10 art::TTreeProjGroup MUX             MUX
   11 TDirectory MWDCCalibHists  MWDC calibration

# this is the situation at 2024/01/22

There are many histogram definition, and you can freely update the histogram files.

Because this file contains most of the knowledge about the steering file, so you can test your own histogram or something based on this file.

$ cd steering
$ cp chkf3.yaml chkYourOwnName.yaml
$ vi (emacs) chkYourOwnName.yaml
# change or test something

$ acd
$ a
artemis [0] add steering/chkYourOwnName.yaml NAME=hoge NUM=0000
artemis [1] res
artmeis [2] sus

# some analysis


last modified: 2024-01-17 by Kodai Okawa

It is very important to select events for online analysis as well. There are several options to do so, and I will cover all of them. If you know other useful way, please let me know.

  • Histogram definition
  • TCutG object
  • TGateStopProcessor

For clearer understanding, we will use this figure, and we call this as default figure:

Histogram definition

We explained in the Histograms page, but again we describe about histogram definition focus on the cut part.

The default figure defined like this:

  - &f2ppacx ["f2ppac.fX",200,-50.,50.]
  - &f2ppacy ["f2ppac.fY",200,-50.,50.]
  - name: f2check
    title: f2_check
      - name: f2PPAC X vs Y
        title: f2ppac X vs Y
        x: *f2ppacx
        y: *f2ppacy

For example, let’s add the gate to select only “-10.0 < X < 10.0”. We can use alias node to define that.

  - &f2ppacx ["f2ppac.fX",200,-50.,50.]
  - &f2ppacy ["f2ppac.fY",200,-50.,50.]
  centerx: abs(f2ppac.fX) < 10.0;
  - name: f2check
    title: f2_check
      - name: f2PPAC X vs Y{centerx}
        title: f2ppac X vs Y{centerx}
        x: *f2ppacx
        y: *f2ppacy
        cut: centerx

Then the following histogram is created.

Also, multiple conditions can be specified at the same time.

  - &f2ppacx ["f2ppac.fX",200,-50.,50.]
  - &f2ppacy ["f2ppac.fY",200,-50.,50.]
  centerx: abs(f2ppac.fX) < 10.0;
  centery: abs(f2ppac.fY) < 10.0;
  - name: f2check
    title: f2_check
      - name: f2PPAC X vs Y{centerx && centery}
        title: f2ppac X vs Y{centerx && centery}
        x: *f2ppacx
        y: *f2ppacy
        cut: centerx && centery

TCutG object

We can also use TCutG object to select the event. As in new commands page, let’s assume we create this TCutG ROOT file by tcutg command. And the ROOT file and TCutG object name is f2star.

If you want to use this object to select event, just add this line is fine, as long as you use userlogon.C.

  - &f2ppacx ["f2ppac.fX",200,-50.,50.]
  - &f2ppacy ["f2ppac.fY",200,-50.,50.]
  - name: f2check
    title: f2_check
      - name: f2PPAC X vs Y{f2star}
        title: f2ppac X vs Y{f2star}
        x: *f2ppacx
        y: *f2ppacy
        cut: f2star

Of course we can use in “tree->Draw()” because this TCutG objects are automatically loaded. The following sentence generate the same figure.

artemis [] fcd 0
artemis [] zo
artemis [] tree->Draw("f2ppac.fY:f2ppac.fX>>(200,-50.,50., 200,-50.,50.)","f2star","colz")


The method used until now was to process just histograms and analyze them for all events in the event loop. If you know which events you don’t want, there are processors that allow you to skip the event loop under certain conditions. This may speed up the event loop.

For example. when we want to analyze only beam single event (it means the events are not coincident with SSD, and let’s suppose that condition is given by single.fID==0), let’s prepare the steering file.

  - name: proc_gateinit
    type: art::TGateArrayInitializer
      OutputTransparency: 1

  - name: proc_gate
    type: art::TTreeFormulaGateProcessor
        - "beam_single; single.fID==0"
      OutputTransparency: 1
      Verbose: 1

  - name: beam_single_gate
    type: art::TGateStopProcessor
      GateName: beam_single
      OutputTransparency: 1
      StopIf: 0
      Verbose: 1

To use TGateStopProcessor, we need to initialize the “gate” array object, so the first art::TGateArrayInitializer is needed. In the second processor, art::TTreeFormulaGateProcessor, we define the gate condition.

Then the art::TGateStopProcessor judges the event is skipped or not. In the case of StopIf: 0, artemis ignore the event that the condition become false. In other words, StopIf: 0 means artemis will analyze the event only when the condition is true.

Then, including this yaml file to the main steering file, you can check only the selected events.

  - &input ridf/@NAME@@NUM@.ridf
  - &output output/@NAME@/@NUM@/hoge@NAME@@NUM@.root
  - &histout output/@NAME@/@NUM@/hoge@NAME@@NUM@.hist.root

  - name: timer
    type: art::TTimerProcessor

  - name: ridf
    type: art::TRIDFEventStore
      OutputTransparency: 1
        - *input
      SHMID: 0

  - name: mapper
    type: art::TMappingProcessor
      OutputTransparency: 1

# include some other steering files

  - include: gate/coin.yaml

  - name: outputtree
    type: art::TOutputTreeProcessor
        - *output

We didn’t check if we can use the TCutG object in this process…

Shifter task

last modified: 2023-12-20 by Kodai Okawa


last modified: 2023-12-20 by Kodai Okawa


last modified: 2023-12-15 by Kodai Okawa

Raw data checker

last modified: 2024-01-22 by Kodai Okawa

Artemis produces mainly TArtTree and the branches are TClonesArray(art::hoge). It means that all objects rely on the artemis library, and we cannot open and check the data by using normal ROOT.

Also, sometimes it is necessary top check the raw data obtained by ADC and TDC as it is. Of course, the real raw data is binary and therefore difficult to read, so we will check the raw data after the decoders.

Related processors;

How to check the raw data

1. prepare conf files

We already prepared conf/map files, but in this case, we need to prepare conf/seg files. There are two files. This is an example, so please change it according to the experimental conditions.

#  id: module id (it is module-specific)
#  ch: channel number
#  values:
#    - name1: [Nbin: int, min: double, max: double] it is for 2D histogram (these values vs. ch)
#    - name2: [Nbin: int, min: double, max: double] <= somehow two line needed...?

  id: 32
  ch: 32
    - adc: [4000, 0., 4000.]
    - tdc: [4000, 0., 4000.] # no use, but seems it needed...

  id: 24
  ch: 128
    - tdcL: [300, -5000., 300000.]
    - tdcT: [300, -5000., 300000.]

The module id list is here.

# segid: [[dev], [fp], [det]] <= same as a map file
# type: V7XX <= defined type in modulelist.yaml
# modules:
#   - id: geo1
#   - id: geo2

  segid: [12, 0, 7]
  type: V1190A
    - id: 0
    - id: 1

  segid: [12, 1, 6]
  type: MADC32
    - id: 0
    - id: 1
    - id: 2

2. use “steering/chkseg.yaml”

Based on these two conf file, the steering/chkseg.yaml file produce rawdata histograms and TTree object. We can use steering/chkseg.yaml without any change I think.

This is an example from one CRIB experiment.

$ a
artemis [0] add steering/chkseg.yaml NAME=hoge NUM=0000
artemis [1] res
artemis [2] sus
artemis [3] ls

>   0 TDirectory SegmentHistogram art::TSegmentCheckProcessor

artemis [4] cd 0
artemis [5] ls

>   0 TDirectory E7_V1190        E7_V1190
    1 TDirectory J1_V785         J1_V785
    2 TDirectory J1_MADC         J1_MADC
    3 TDirectory J1_V1190        J1_V1190

artemis [6] cd 0
artemis [7] ls

>   0 TH2F E7_V1190_0_tdcL E7_V1190_0_tdcL
    1 TH2F E7_V1190_0_tdcT E7_V1190_0_tdcT
    2 TH2F E7_V1190_1_tdcL E7_V1190_1_tdcL
    3 TH2F E7_V1190_1_tdcT E7_V1190_1_tdcT

# we can check these histograms by ht command

artemis [8] fcd 0
artemis [9] br
E7_V1190_0           vector<vector<int> >
E7_V1190_1           vector<vector<int> >
J1_V785_0            vector<int>
J1_V785_1            vector<int>
J1_V785_2            vector<int>
J1_MADC_3            vector<int>
J1_MADC_4            vector<int>
J1_MADC_5            vector<int>
J1_V1190_0           vector<vector<int> >

If the module ID = 24 or 25, it is multihit TDC, so the branch become 2D vector. When you want to use std::vector method, you can use by “@” like

artemis [*] tree->Draw("J1_V785_0@.size()")

Of course we can open this output ROOT file from normal ROOT.