last modified: 2024-01-22 by Kodai OkawaIn the physics run (production run or physics measurement), we check all the detector data like tracking detector (PPAC, MWDC), TOF (RF) and Telescope data. In order to analyse them, we prepared steering/chkf3.yaml steering file. This file includes all the information of F3 analysis.
$ artlogin (username)
$ a
artemis [0] add steering/chkf3.yaml NAME=hoge NUM=0000
artemis [1] res
artemis [2] sus
artemis [3] ls
> 0 art::TTreeProjGroup f3check f3check
1 art::TAnalysisInfo analysisInfo
2 art::TTreeProjGroup mwdca mwdca
3 art::TTreeProjGroup mwdcb mwdcb
4 art::TTreeProjGroup tel1 tel1
5 art::TTreeProjGroup tel2 tel2
6 art::TTreeProjGroup tel3 tel3
7 art::TTreeProjGroup tel4 tel4
8 art::TTreeProjGroup tel5 tel5
9 art::TTreeProjGroup tel6 tel6
10 art::TTreeProjGroup MUX MUX
11 TDirectory MWDCCalibHists MWDC calibration
# this is the situation at 2024/01/22
There are many histogram definition, and you can freely update the histogram files.
Because this file contains most of the knowledge about the steering file, so you can test your own histogram or something based on this file.
$ cd steering
$ cp chkf3.yaml chkYourOwnName.yaml
$ vi (emacs) chkYourOwnName.yaml
# change or test something
$ acd
$ a
artemis [0] add steering/chkYourOwnName.yaml NAME=hoge NUM=0000
artemis [1] res
artmeis [2] sus
# some analysis