last modified: 2024-01-22 by Kodai OkawaIn the CRIB experiment, we often use a “telescope” consisting of DSSSD (Double-Sided SSD) and SSD (Single-Pad SSD).
The combination of these multiple Si detectors as a dE-E detector is called a telescope
To analyze the data as telescope data rather than individual detectors, I created a data class called TTelescopeData. This section describes its data structure and usage.
Please assume that one of the name of TTelescopeData object is “tel1”
# after some process
artemis [*] br tel1
Data Members
TVector3 fPos detected position (X, Y, Z)
int fXID X strip number
int fYID Y strip number
int fNE number of all SSDs
double fdE energy at first layor
double fdEX X side energy (=~ fdEY)
double fdEY Y side energy (=~ fdEX)
double fE added energy at thick SSDs
double fEtotal all energy deposit in the telescope
double fTiming timing information at the first layor (X side)
double fYTiming for case that X side have trouble (Y side)
double fTheta_L reaction angle in LAB system
vector<double> fEnergyArray energy array for each SSD
vector<double> fTimingArray timing array for each SSD
ESortType kID
ESortType kTiming
ESortOrder kASC
ESortOrder kDESC
# snip for Method as for now
These are the all data members of the “TTelescopeData”. The most commonly used variables are “fXID”, “fYID”, “fdE” and “fE”. Other variables are accessed by using methods (explain later). The meaning of these variables are written the upper code block.
We use them like,
artemis [*] tree->Draw("tel1.fYID:tel1.fXID>>strip(16,-0.5,15.5, 16,-0.5,15.5)","","colz")
artemis [*] tree->Draw("tel1.fdE:tel1.fE","","")
or we can use in histogram definition file of course.
The following are the methods of the TTelescopeData object:
# after some process
artemis [*] br tel1
# snip for Data Members
TTelescopeData& operator=
TVector3 GetPosition
Double_t X
Double_t Y
Double_t Z
void SetPosition
void SetPosition
Int_t GetN
void SetN
Int_t GetXID
void SetXID
Int_t GetYID
void SetYID
Double_t GetdE
void SetdE
Double_t GetdEX
void SetdEX
Double_t GetdEY
void SetdEY
Double_t GetE
void SetE
Double_t GetEtotal
void SetEtotal
Double_t GetTelTiming
void SetTelTiming
Double_t GetTelYTiming
void SetTelYTiming
Double_t GetTheta_L
void SetTheta_L
Double_t A
DoubleVec_t GetEnergyArray
Double_t GetEnergyArray
void PushEnergyArray
DoubleVec_t GetTimingArray
Double_t GetTimingArray
void PushTimingArray
Double_t E
Double_t T
void Copy
void Clear
Bool_t CheckTObjectHashConsistency
See also
art::TDataObject base class for data object
The most commonly used methods are “X()”, “Y()”, “Z()”, “E()”, “T()” and “A()”. There are also longer name methods, but it is troublesome to write long methods, so I prepared short name methods. The longer name methods are mainly used in the source processor to make it more readable.
: return fPos.X(), detected X positionY()
: return fPos.Y(), detected Y positionZ()
: return fPos.Z(), detected Z positionE()
: return fEtotal, total energy deposit in the telescopeE(id: int)
: return fEnergyArray[id], energy deposit of each Si layer, id=0 means dE, id=1 means second layerT()
: return fTiming, detected timing at first layerT(id: int)
: return fTimingArray[id], timing at the “id” th Si detectorA()
: return fTheta_L, the angle of the event, deg unit
We use them like:
artemis [*] tree->Draw("tel1.Y():tel1.X()","","colz")
artemis [*] tree->Draw("tel1.E(0):tel1.E()","","colz")
artemis [*] tree->Draw("tel1.E():tel1.A()","","colz")