Minor changes

last modified: 2024-01-11 by Kodai Okawa


Grammar issue I think.


-if [ "@BUILD_GET@" == "ON" ]; then
+if [[ "@BUILD_GET@" == "ON" ]]; then

-if [ "@MPI_CXX_FOUND@" == "TRUE" ]; then
+if [[ "@MPI_CXX_FOUND@" == "TRUE" ]]; then
     libdir="$(dirname $dir)"

xval command

Add cross hair.

84 void TCatCmdXval::GetEvent()
85 {
86+   dynamic_cast<TPad *>(gPad)->DrawCrosshair();
87    const int event = gPad->GetEvent();

pr (projection) command

After the command, the projected histogram will automatically be displayed.

55       if (!obj->InheritsFrom(TH2::Class())) {
56          // TArtCore::Info("TCatCmdPr::Run","%s is not 2D histogram",
57          //               obj->GetName());
58+        Info("Run", "%s is not 2D histogram", obj->GetName());
59          continue;
60       }
61+      Int_t nid = (gDirectory->GetList())->GetEntries();
62       Run((TH2*) obj, opt);
63+      Info("Run", "id = %d hist is created", nid);
64+      TCatHistManager::Instance()->DrawObject(nid);
65    }
66    return 1;
67 }

TModuleInfo class

In the CRIB processor, there is a processor that inherits from TModuleInfo, TModuleData. In the constractor of this class use copy constractor of TModuleInfo, but the default artemis doesn’t implement it. This class is used when we want to check the raw data. For the detail, please see check raw data page.

Therefore, we modified this like this:

31  TModuleInfo::TModuleInfo(const TModuleInfo& rhs)
32+   : TParameterObject(rhs),
33+   fID(rhs.fID),
34+   fType(rhs.fType),
35+   fHists(nullptr)
36  {
37+   if (rhs.fHist) {
38+     fHists = new TObjArray(*(rhs.fHists));
39+   }
41+   fRanges = rhs.fRanges;
42  }