New user

last modified: 2023-11-05 by Kodai Okawa

After artnew command, you can see new directory of config files.

 > tree -a art_analysis
 ├── .conf
 │   ├──
+│   └──
 ├── bin
 │   ├── art_check
 │   ├── art_setting
 │   └── artnew
+└── test

This is experiment name “test” example. In order to load this script, please modify “EXP_NAME” environment valiable in .zshrc.

export EXP_NAME="test" # your experiment

And load the config file.

> source ~/.zshrc

Then you can make your own work directory by using artlogin command!

Let’s start “artlogin” command!

For example, let’s make default user (user name is the same with experiment name)!

> artlogin

If you want to make your own directory, the following will work.

> artlogin yourname
  1. Check if you really want to make your work directory
artlogin: user 'test' not found.
create new user? (y/n): y
Cloning into '/Users/okawa/art_analysis/test/test'...
  1. Git setting
artlogin: making local git config
Input fullname: KodaiOkawa
Is it Okay? (y/n): y
Input email address:
Is it Okay? (y/n): y
  1. Symbolic link setting. If there are no problem, the current directory move to your artemis work directory
> pwd
> ls -l

If your synbolic link seems okay, the setting is all!

If artnew setting have problem, the error message will appear. Typical examples are as follows.

mkdir: /data: Read-only file system

This is a case of the directory permissions not being set correctly. Use the chmod command or similar to set them correctly and try again.