Alpha calibration

last modified: 2023-12-23 by Kodai Okawa

This is the CRIB alpha source information. (unit: MeV)

ID alpha-2 alpha-3
4.780 3.148
5.480 5.462
5.795 5.771

calibration files

SSD calibration files need to be set at prm/ssd/ directory. The directory structure is like this:

$ tree -L 2 prm/ssd
├── ch2MeV.dat # test file
├── ch2ns.dat # test file
├── f2ch2MeV.dat
├── f2ch2MeV_raw.dat
├── f2ch2ns.dat
├── tel1
│   ├── ch2MeV_dEX.dat
│   ├── ch2MeV_dEX_raw.dat
│   ├── ch2MeV_dEY.dat
│   ├── ch2MeV_dEY_raw.dat
│   ├── ch2MeV_E.dat
│   ├── ch2MeV_E_raw.dat
│   ├── ch2ns_dEX.dat
│   ├── ch2ns_dEY.dat
│   ├── ch2ns_E.dat
│   └── tel_conf.yaml # telescope configuration, explain later

-- snip --

The prm/ssd/ch2MeV.dat and prm/ssd/ch2ns.dat are used for test, so in the beam time measurement, actually this files are not necessory. And prm/ssd/f2* files are used for F2SSD calibration, and files in prm/ssd/tel1/ directory are used for SSDs of a telescope.

The ch2ns.dat depends on TDC setting, so basically we don’t have to care so muc (Usually the setting (the value) is same with previous experiment.), so we have to prepare the ch2MeV.dat files!


The file name need to be set like this example. The loaded parameter file name is defined SSD steering file, and we don’t want to change the SSD steering files so much, so please use such file names.

The “ch2MeV.dat” file format is like this:

# offset gain
1.7009  0.0173
0.0 1.0 # if there are some SSDs or strip SSD, you can add the line.
$$ E~\mathrm{[MeV]} = \mathrm{offset} + \mathrm{gain} \times \mathrm{ch} $$


We prepared useful macros to calibrate many SSDs. Please check these for more information.

It is sufficient to use the AlphaCalibration.C, but it is recommended to use the run_AlphaCalibration.C to keep a record of what arguments were used to calibrate.

After you prepared alpha calibration data and steering file (for example steering/calibration.yaml) to show raw data, you can use this macro.

$ acd
$ vi macro/run_AlphaCalibration.C
# please set the parameters.
# instraction is written in this file

$ a
artemis [0] add steering/hoge.yaml NAME=hoge NUM=0000
artemis [1] res
artemis [2] .x macro/run_AlphaCalibration.C

Then the parameter file that defined at the “run_AlphaCalibration.C” and calibration figures will be created automatically.

These are example of the figures;

  • raw fitting figure (figure/calib/tel*/ch2MeV_*/raw/)
  • calibration line and residual figure (figure/calib/tel*/ch2MeV_*/calibration/)
$ a
artemis [0] add steering/hoge.yaml NAME=hoge NUM=0000
artemis [1] res
artemis [2] fcd 0
artemis [3] zo
artemis [4] tree->Draw("...") # draw calibrated data
artemis [5] gStyle->SetOptStat(0)
artemis [6] sa