New experiment

last modified: 2023-11-05 by Kodai Okawa

If you installed with “curl” command explained previous chapter, you should have artnew command. This command will make new experiment directory interactively.

Before using this command, please check and make the directory structure!

  • rawdata directory (like /mnt/data or /data? Create it to suit your situation.)
  • output rootfile directory (like /data/art_output?)
  • git repository
    • local repository: suit for online analysis
    • remote repository: suit for offline analysis

Let’s start “artnew” command!

The word after “:” is your input.

> artnew
  1. Input the experiment name
create new artemis work directory? (y/n): y
Input experimental name: test
Is it OK? (y/n): y
Input value: test
  1. Check the base directory (default value is fine!) If there are no input, the default value will be used.
artnew: If no input is provided, the default value is used.
Input repository path or URL (default:
Is it OK? (y/n): y
Input value:
  1. Input the rawdata directory
Input rawdata directory path (default: /data/test/ridf):
Is it OK? (y/n): y
Input value: /data/test/ridf
  1. Input the output directory
Input output data directory path (default: /data/test/user):
Is it OK? (y/n): y
Input value: /data/test/user
  1. Input the git setting (PLEASE MAKE your own repository. Local repository will be fine)
Based on the repository, do you make your own repository? (y/n): y
is it local repository (y/n): y
artnew: making LOCAL repository of test
Input the local repository path (default: $HOME/repos/exp):
Is it OK? (y/n): y
Input value: /home/crib/repos/exp

-- snip --

art_analysis setting for test is finished!

The initial setting is completed!!