
last modified: 2024-03-21 by Kodai Okawa

From the current situation, CRIB experiment doesn’t use GET system, so we describe how to install it without linking it to GET decoder.

Also, it can link to openMPI, but the below commands assume not using openMPI. See artemis repo for more information.

cd hoge
git clone -b develop
cd artemis
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ..
make -j4
make install
source ../install/bin/

Then, <CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX>/bin/ will be created and this shell script can configure the environment (ROOT, yaml-cpp, artemis libraries) to use artemis.

Also, I recommend to write source part in the .bashrc/.zshrc to load this library.

Another option is to use module command to manage the environment. It is also written in artemis repo.


For the CRIB experiment setting, we modified some parts of artemis source.

Please check the CRIB configuration.